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Integrated Collection System of Operational Data and M T O

The effective solution of the problems of air safety maintenance and airworthiness support of aircraft during the process of exploitation is determined to a great extent by completeness of data ware, its adequacy, the technology of data delivery and application. To achieve these purposes it is necessary to use the up to date IT.

At present JSC Programmprom offers our new development - The Integrated Collection System of Operational Data (ISSDE) to all the participants in the process of airworthiness support.

ISSDE is intended for collection, keeping and processing data about failures and faults of aviation equipment in the airlines in the interests of proper users groups. The data from various operators is kept in the united data processing center. At the same time the possibility of unauthorized access to the data is excluded (by means of special system facilities, as well as extra developed software). On the other hand, according to the interested parties’ agreement, the certain service datasets may be summarized and used for receiving impartial reliability indices of aircraft exploitation and airworthiness.

The users of ISSDE are operators of aviation technique, as well as componentry manufacturers, repair plants and centers of maintenance of aviation equipment. The operators provide initial data to the system and, following feedback, are provided with recommendations on maintenance of air safety, airworthiness support and efficiency of aircraft use.

ISSDE is not being delivered for the airlines.

All the interested participants in the process of airworthiness support may be linked up to ISSDE and obtain full-scale access to the high-capacity computing and software resource under support of highly skilled specialists at rather low expenditures. It is possible to link up to the system practically from each workstation; the only condition is Internet availability. The chosen workstation is being adjusted to the server and special connecting component is being installed. The complete time of connection to ISSDE does not exceed 30 minutes.

Practically, the process of data exchange with ISSDE has no restrictions on types of systems, operating at these or those enterprises. It is necessary only to match the format and structure of transferable data to develop interface between ISSDE and local DB, participating in the data exchange. This feature is of great importance really, because it permits not to violate the internal data interaction of the subject, but uses only the existing data flows in the interests of structures, responsible for airworthiness support of aviation equipment in the Civil Aviation Department.

Today ISSDE is being successfully exploited by the first-rate Russian enterprise in the area of aircraft development - "Ilyushin Aviation Complex". The ISSDE database contains complete information about failures and faults of all aircraft IL96, operating in Russia. This data is being renewed constantly.

Nowadays ISSDE has no analogues.

It is necessary to mark that using the data from ISSDE database allows solving not only global questions of airworthiness support and tracing the whole life cycle of an aircraft and its components, but more completely and soundly solve neighboring tasks, particularly, such an important task as material and technical supplies (MTO) of the airline. By now the software product AS MTO, developed by JSC Programmprom, is to a great extent based on the information from ISSDE database. Having available data about failures and faults of different kinds of aviation equipment and calculating the current values of reliability indices, the user gets possibility to set the levels of not reducing reserves for different groups of equipment to a high accuracy. This condition helps to minimize expenditures and other costs, bound with the problem of material and technical supplies. The significance of this factor cannot be overestimated.

It should be marked also that ISSDE and AS MTO can be applied to the process of after sale maintenance of aviation equipment.